U.Stork Lab
Key Areas
U.Stork Lab
Key Areas
Key Areas
Analytics & Data Management

Nowadays companies generate and use so much data like never before. The data management process includes different functions (mining, storing, organization, protection, and processing), which altogether aimed (focus on) to availability, reliability and relevance of the data.

Efficient data management allows us to make more informed (reasoned) business decisions, improve marketing campaigns, optimize business transactions and cut costs — everything for increasing income and profits.

Lack of proper data management limits business analysis capabilities and often causes wrong decisions.

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a general term about the capability of computer systems to imitate human intelligence. AI allows computers to learn from their own experience, adapt to assigned parameters and perform tasks that have always been considered a human prerogative.

The main task of AI is to make computers and applications smart enough to imitate human mind behavior.

Machine Learning (ML) at its core is an analytic approach, which means automation of building various analytic models. The main ML task is to answer 4 main questions: What’s happening? Why is it happening? What will happen in the future? What should I do then?

At the moment applying AI and ML is getting widespread in any industry and field of human activity.


Initially developed for digital currency, the Blockchain technology was widely accepted and made use in other areas, such as finances, logistics, real estate and health care.

Blockchain is a system of recording data in a way that makes it hard or impossible to alter, hack or cheat. The data is stored in a network, making not just a unique recording, but a unique recording with a unique log.

Three main features of Blockchain

Decentralization. The data isn’t stored as a single object in a decentralized system. In fact, the data is owned by everyone on the network.

Immutability. In the terms of Blockchain, it means that any data asserted can’t be changed.


Business Automation & Integration

The key factor of a company efficiency is a set of three core elements: people, processes and systems. The main goal of every leader is to achieve the highest profit from their interaction.

With integration and automation technologies companies reduce the time of making functional actions, speed up decision making and connect different IT systems no matter how complex they are.

The use of such solutions results in reduced operation costs, improved client experience, and thus increased profits and reduced risks.


Cloud computing is actually an approach to deliver computing services (servers, storage, databases, software, analytics, etc.) via the Internet. They can be either public (hosting on sites of specialized providers), private (hosting in a proprietary (in-house) data center), or hybrid (combining several options).

Cloud computing forces innovations integration, increases resource flexibility and provides economy due to high scalability.

Cloud utilization allows avoiding initial costs and complexity related to holding and support a proper IT infrastructure. Cloud lets users get access to the same files and applications virtually from any device.

Cyber Security

Today Cyber Security is one of the top threads for businesses around the globe by reason of huge risks of potential economic damage. All the industry sectors are related to IT use anyway, which creates direct possibilities of illegal acts on the part of lawbreakers.

Cyber Security includes technologies and processes, directed to protecting networks, computers, apps and data from attacks, theft or damage. At the same time, it covers functional tasks: identification, protection, detection, reaction and recovery.

Implementing of various Cyber Security solutions depends on the type of data and transactions which business is working with, but the necessity of their applying is essential for everyone with no exceptions.

Internet of Things

Internet of Things (IoT) is a versatile term describing an increasing number of electronic devices, which are not traditional computing systems but are connected to the Internet for collecting and sending data.

Thanks to extra cheap computer chips and widespread wireless networking, almost everything can be turned into an IoT device—from a pill to an airplane. Internet of Things increases the quality of life and makes the world structure around us smarter and more flexible, combining digital and physical universes.

The IoT business value consists of grand possibilities of collecting data from different devices, analyzing this data and transitioning it into specific actions.

Mobile application development

Nowadays mobile apps became a really important attribute for many companies and people. Since the early days of smartphones, mobile apps keep coming over such areas as networking, entertainment, shopping and a lot more.

Thousands of mobile apps are published on Google Play and Apple App Store every day.

The key value of mobile apps is the ability to use unique features of smartphones, including the main one — permanent contact with the user.

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